Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Inadequate?? Surely not me :s

Hi Lil Stars

I hope everyone is groovy and well but I got a question for y'all, Have you ever felt like you are not improving on you weakness and you’re at a standstill?...I guess it is the fear of just not being good enough, not having that specific ‘something’ that is needed in order to be successful within the competitive career choice you will enter.
Well I had a moment of inadequacy the other day it did not relate to my worth as an individual but more pertaining to my future career. I’m at a stage where I am in my final year of study  and about to head out into  ‘the real world’ and I feel like although I have been applying myself academically I still feel I am not yet qualified. Don’t get me just so I am clear having a feeling of inadequacy does not mean you think you are not good and you hate yourself. It’s a clarity moment where you realise you got some weaknesses and you feel they are not turning into strengths anytime soon.  
It’s rather ironic because earlier I was reading an article and it was talking about employment opportunities and how people are not presenting themselves well enough to be considered for a job offer. It was from a recruitment consultant’s point of view and his advise was to"upskill yourself, market yourself, package yourself and sell yourself”.  Some people would question what exactly does that entail?? because in my case, I attend personal development workshops offered by my institution such as CV tips, interview technique, business etiquette, presentation skills etc. Additionally I have taken on 3 additional leadership positions this year on top of my studies. So what more can a human being do, there is simply not enough hours in the day.
You might be thinking, what is wrong with me? Am I that dumb? Why can’t I just be excellent at all this? I know there are some people who were just born with that ‘It factor’ and some people gotta work on themselves to get  there, and Yes I am one of those people. An advice that I got is: most people within my career industry get to be very successful through the cliché ‘it’s who you know’ in term of contacts and network. So guys, we have to throw ourselves in the deep end and get out there and network with professionals.However what I failed to realise is that a lot of people entering the work world are going through this phase and I am not alone and trust me it happens to the best of us.

At this point, I want to give a shout out to my friends who recognised my L face and gave advice and words of comfort, you know who you are and I gotta say thanks *open arms* BIG HUG !!

My encouragement to myself and whoever else might be or will go through that phase, don’t panic just apply yourself and work your strengths until the weaknesses catch up. You’ll get there eventually.

Tee's Ponder: Tell God all about it, do an evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses so you know exactly where you’re at, grab opportunities with both hands and hold your head up because you are not alone.

1 comment:

  1. Man tee this is something that has defiantly been on my heart. Like when i read postings for jobs and look at thew job descriptions or requirements i always get so scared thinking i am not qualified enough. But i guess believing that just as how i was able to apply myself in the classroom and excel..i will be able to do the same when it comes to the work place as well.
    LOVED this piece :)
