Thursday, 28 June 2012

Do what it takes.....LYG 2012

Hi Lil Stars

Hope you all are good and enjoying the weather. I am just back home from a looooong day of volunteering. Yes you heard me right, this is another way to bump up your experience well its free for sakes,a ll you need is an interest . I have just completed studies but I currently lack experiencen within my area which is where volunteering comes in. How did I do it?
    1. Decide what you want to volunteer to do,preferably within the area you heading in
    2. The purpose of seeking volunteering
    3. Make sure your cv,is the best representation of you
    4.  Sign up to few volunteer websites and apply for opportunities
    5. Volunteer, make the most of it and Network
    6. Make sure you clock your hours with the volunteer site and record the most relevant experience on your cv.                                                                                      
So thats a few of the steps im taking since I am in the post studies stage, its productive so its a good thing :o).
I volunteered at the London Youth mini games held in Crystal Palace Sports centre.
It was more than I expected. I thought I was going to be awkward and a bit antisocial btu I met a new friend Jovi, a lil gem and we hanged all day.. its soooo much fun!! Although some of the tasks were massive and tiring but good fun (filling and delivering 16,000 water bottle across 11 sports) and children can bcome a task to handle especially when they dont listen :o/.

But overall, It was a good experience and one I would recommend to people to go for. So get volunteering peeps you never know, you might just LOVE IT!!!

Tee's Ponder : Go for opportunities that would challenge you and contributes to improve your professional future and self!!

Star Kisses
Tee ;o)

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